Being a woman

In France, women are free to choose whether they want to have children. For any question, you can seek medical advice at a doctor’s (generalist or gynecologist), a midwife’s or at the Planning familial. Consultations are confidential and (partly) reimbursed by the Social security.


Birth control

Many contraceptive methods are partly reimbursed by the Social security (the rest is reimbursed by your health insurance if you have one). For more information, read this document by the Health Ministry (FR only).

Women under 18 can access birth control anonymously and for free at the Planning familial. They can also go to a free consultation that is strictly confidential at some health practitioners’.


Day-after pill

In case of emergency (unprotected sex), women have access to the day-after pill (available without a prescription) at the pharmacy (price between €6.07 and €7.41). For more information, click here (French only).



Abortion (in French, IVG – interruption volontaire de grossesse) is legal in France until the 12th week of pregnancy. It is a right for all women (even under 18 if they are accompanied by someone over 18). A woman who wishes to get an abortion must go to a doctor, or a midwife, or a Planning familial center.


Medically-assisted procreation and In-Vitro fertilization

Couples that have difficulty in having children can also be helped by medically assisted procreation (in French, PMA – procréation médicalement assistée), including and in-vitro fertilization (in French, FIV – fécondation in vitro). Until 6 attempts of artificial insemination and 4 in-vitro fertilization are reimbursed by the Social security. To benefit from it, go to your doctor or midwife. For more information, go to