Information for Refugees





I have just been recognized as a refugee, what are the next steps to take?
When you are granted refugee status, you and your spouse have the right to a resident permit of 10 years (except threat to public order or status polygamy). This is automatically renewed when it expires (unless you have left France for more than 3 consecutive years or if you live in polygamous way). You are allowed to engage in any employment in France upon delivery of the document proving your refugee status (receipt stating the recognition of your international protection). The Ofpra then proceed to the recovery of your civil status. As your passport is kept by the OFPRA, you can get to the prefecture of your place of residence, a travel permit for refugees, valid for 2 years and renewable, allowing you to travel outside France but not to your country of origin. Furthermore, you can claim for certain social rights given to French people.

I have just been recognized beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, what are the next steps to take??
After receiving subsidiary protection, you will get from the prefecture a temporary residence permit "private and family life" valid for 1 year and renewable, unless the situation justifying your protection no longer exists. You are allowed to engage in any employment in France upon delivery of the document proving your beneficiary status of subsidiary protection (receipt stating the recognition of your international protection). Moreover, the OFPRA will then proceed to the recovery of your vital records if the protection which was granted respite you subsidiary protection type 1 (this information is communicated to you when sending the decision). If you report this protection, it's also possible to get an identity and travel subsidiary protection, which will be your passport when traveling outside France.

Can I withdraw my refugee status?
Your refugee status can be removed if you:

  • You voluntarily decide to be placed under the protection of your home country or to regain citizenship if you make such a visa, passport or ID card from the consulate or the Embassy in your country or you travel to your home country.

  • You get the nationality of the country where you are a refugee, or any other nationality offering you protection.

  • The circumstances justifying your refugee have ceased to exist (you can however in this case obtain a residence permit in France for another reason).

In all cases, the decision of termination will be taken by the OFPRA, with appeal to the CNDA and the State Council.
Your status may also be removed if you discovered that you committed fraud when you apply asylum (fraud on your identity, or on the statements that led to obtaining the status).
you can also give up your status by contacting the OFPRA. However this decision entails consequences also for family members who benefited from the principle of family unity.



Can my family join me in France?
Yes, you can benefit from family reunification procedure, but under several conditions. People can join you are: your spouse (s), your children under age 19, your adopted children and those over whom you have individual parental authority. Your partner can also benefit from this procedure it is possible to justify sufficiently stable links established before obtaining the status. You can send a letter to the Office of refugee families from the Ministry of Interior who will explain the procedure. Your family should then contact the consulate of France in the country where it is to apply for a long stay visa. It must provide documents proving your refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection (eg decision Ofpra), and family ties with you (eg birth or marriage certificate). To register the application, it must pay € 99 of consular fee per passport. If everything is in order, the consulate will give your family a long stay visa for a maximum period of 91 days. Your family must come to France as soon as possible, and your spouse and adult children must go to the prefecture to obtain a residence card (if you have refugee status) or a temporary residence permit (if you are beneficiaries of subsidiary protection).
On the basis of the principle of family unity, your spouse, if he has the same nationality as you as well as your children may be granted the refugee status. In order to do so, they should file an asylum application for family basis.


I want to settle in another country, is this possible?
You are a refugee: If you plan to settle in another country, having been recognized as a refugee, you must check the conditions of admission to stay in this country and transfer your protection with the foreign counterparts of the French Office protection of refugees and stateless Persons (OFPRA). These conditions vary from country to country. This is usually a question of reaching an new occupation or due to family ties in the state in which you want to settle. . If your application is accepted, your coverage depends now on the new State of residence
You are granted subsidiary protection: no text provides for the transfer of subsidiary protection. If you want to settle in another country, please contact the foreign counterpart of the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA) to inquire about any possibilities of recognition of your protection in that country .

I am a refugee in another country, I want to settle in France, is that possible?
You are a refugee in a country of the Schengen area: If you have a residence permit in another country from space Schengen, you can travel freely for three months on the territory of the Member States with this residence permit and your travel document. However, this does not allow you to work or sit in one of these states. If you want to work or sit in one of these states, you must request a long stay visa from the French consulate in your European country of residence.
There is a status of "long-term EU resident" which allows the holder to enter and settle in any state of the European Union (except Denmark, the United Kingdom and Ireland) without long-stay visa, that is to say for more than 3 month. This status can be granted if you live more than five years in an EU country. If you hold that title, you can go to France without a visa and apply for a residence permit for your situation to the prefecture of your residence.
You are a refugee in a third country: you must request a long stay visa from the consulate of France in your country of residence in order to enter and settle in France. Once in France, you can obtain a long stay if you meet certain conditions (employment, resources ...).

Once holds a French residence permit, and for your permanent settlement, you will request the transfer of your protection by the OFPRA.

I want to travel back to my country, is this possible?
A possible return to your country of origin, even if it is based on a legitimate reason, could be interpreted as a reconnection with your country and you expose the withdrawal of your refugee status. You are advised to contact the Ofpra before traveling to your country of origin to ensure the "legality" of your approach.



I am searching for housing, what should I do?
It depends on your situation. First, it is advisable to approach a social assistance in order to clarify and talk about your situation regarding accommodation and access to housing. The type of housing that you can access depends particularly on your financial resources, your family composition, the urgency of your situation ...
To access a private park housing, we must benefit from resources equivalent to approximately 3 times the amount of 'rent + expenses (removing any housing assistance). If your income is modest, head instead to private dwellings at controlled rents. For this you can get closer:

  • a real estate agency with a social purpose

  • The PACT of your department

You can also apply for social housing, filling the CERFA No. 14069 * 02, and sending it to the responsible service, preferably in the community you belong to.
To qualify for social housing, it is necessary to be legally in France and do not exceed the income limits.
If you are employed, you have the option to request your employer to know the conditions of access through Action Logement, an organization which manages a quota of social housing reserved for employees.
If you are in trouble you stay properly on your own, or hosted temporarily with disabilities or victims of violence in your relationship, you can be prioritized for social housing. In this case, please contact a social assistance. He will then check whether you can use easier pathways to social housing (collective agreement file, recourses DALO...).

You can also apply for the ELAN program by the Samu Social. Through this program, you can be accomodated in a private home.

I am a refugee / beneficiary of subsidiary protection (BPS), how can I get an residence address?
You can benefit from the Domiciliation Service, which allows you to have a residence address and assert certain rights and benefits.
For a domiciliation, go first to the town hall (preferably in an area with which you have already a link: accommodation in one third, use of emergency services of the city, employment, participation on social inclusion activities ...). They will be able to redirect you to a community center for social action – “centre communal d’action sociale” (CCAS) or provide you with a list of approved organizations. It may include:

  • Non-profit associations that carry out actions against exclusion

  • Facilities or care services (with or without accommodation) in emergency situations, support or social support for those in need.

Such accommodations are valid for a period of one year, renewable.
For more information:

I'm in the street, who do I contact to get an accommodation?

  • First, you can call 115 (the call is free from a landline and a mobile in France and overseas, open from Monday to Sunday and generally running 24h / 24). Renew your calls every morning.

  • SIAO is the agency responsible for listing the existing accommodation places on a department and guide people towards asylum availability appropriate to the situation. People on the street or in hosting trouble cannot grasp the SIAO themselves, they must go through a social worker who transmit their request. If you are accompanied by a social worker, make an appointment with him as soon as possible so that it transmits to you a social assessment to SIAO. There is generally an emergency SIAO (for people on the street) and SIAO insertion (for people already hosted emergency, looking for accommodation for longer term or temporary housing). If your situation is urgent, it is important to ask the social worker who accompanies you to update the application daily to the SIAO emergency.

  • You can also use a DAHO (droit à l’hébergement opposable - enforceable right to housing). It aims to recognize the state the priority and urgency of your request for accommodation, and therefore offer you a lodging place of priority. For this, it must have made preliminary inquiries (calls to 115 proved unsuccessful). The form to fill out for this action is: CERFA No. 15037 * 01 and its filling instructions. You can fill the single, however we advise you to use a social worker to accompany you in this process. You can contact the prefecture of your department for the address of the secretariat of the mediation committee which will decide on your demand.


Is My foreign degree valid in France?
In France, foreign diplomas can access the most jobs. The assessment of degree and professional only belongs to the employer. However, to give a better view of the curriculum done abroad and to reassure employers, it is possible to request the issuance of a certificate of recognition level studies with the ENIC-NARIC France ( www.ciep .com ) determined by the foreign degree, a period of study or training obtained abroad.
When a degree can be compared with a level of training of the French nomenclature, the center issues a comparability certificate. When a degree cannot be compared with a level of training of the French nomenclature, it establishes - if the study of the file permits - a certificate of recognition of education study abroad. The issuance of a certificate is charged 70 euros, except for asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection who are eligible to free service. Warning : The certificate issued by the ENIC-NARIC France is not a equivalence, obtaining this certificate is not required to seek employment and taken into account by the employer is not guaranteed.

Details : Certain activities or group of professional activities, access, exercise or a mode of pursuit are subject to conditions of nationality and / or graduation requirements, which means that they are closed or inaccessible to beneficiaries of international protection. The procedures for access to these professions "regulated" are specific. For updated information about these procedures, contact center NARIC France:
Examples of regulated professions: medical and paramedical professions, professions (architect, lawyer, doctor), the profession of social worker, psychologist,, real estate, permanent jobs in the public service etc ...

See also: (p.134 to p.138)


I have a foreign driving license, is it valid in France?
Your foreign license is not valid in France, but you can exchange it against a French license. As a beneficiary of international protection, you are not required to have a reciprocal agreement between your country and France.
From getting your first receipt acknowledging your refugee status or beneficiary subsidiary protection, you have a year to request the exchange of your driving license against a french license. This requires you to make your request in the prefecture in the following form: “formulaire échange de permis” - exchange license form. The receipt of your driver's license application will allow you to drive for 6 months pending the prefecture answer.
Your original license must be valid unless it depends on payment of a fee or on a medical examination in your home country. Once your permit was no longer valid at the time of submitting your application you will not be able to request the exchange license.   


I want to learn French, where to go?
Learning French is an essential condition for the integration of foreigners in France. The language training system in France then provides free training that fits into the integration process.

The formations of the OFII to people born abroad:
the countersigners of the Integration and welcome contract – “contrat d’accueil et integration” (CAI) primarily benefit from the device. They take French language oral and written tests and if the results of those tests are below the level required to obtain the initial French language diploma (DILF) they offer free compulsory education. CAI giving access to training in French is signed for a period of one year. In this time, the training must achieve oral and written practice a level sufficient for French understanding of key areas of everyday life. In order to demonstrate the adequate language level it is necessary to pass the DILF. If the person fails the assumption by the OFII a second course of training and a second presentation to the review is deliberated on a case by case basis.

Language training outside the CAI:
For those wishing to acquire French nationality, orientation to language training is conducted by the prefecture concerned by the application for naturalization.
In other cases, for example a language learning beyond the level recommended by the CAI, orientation language courses can be made by:
- the employment center counselors
- social services
- prefectures
- municipalities
- associations
. - training organizations
to access such training one must satisfy conditions of residence, age or employment situation (long term job seeker, beneficiary of the “revenu de solidarité active” [RSA], etc.)

See also: /images/stories/publications/cahiersdusocial/Cahier%20du%20social%20n%C2%B035.pdf (p.153 to p.162)



I am a refugee / beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, I have no income, what kind of resources do I have the right to claim?
If you have no resources and if you have more than 25 years (the age requirement is not required for persons to support one or more children born or unborn), you can benefit from the Active Solidarity income (RSA) upon obtaining your status. This allowance will be paid monthly, at the beginning.
The amount of the allowance depends on the composition of your family (couple's situation, number of dependent children, isolation). Thus, for a single person without dependents, it amounts to 509.30 euros and 1069.53 euros for a couple with two dependents. If you receive housing assistance, own you home or are staying for free, it will be removed from your allocation a "housing package". This package is € 60 per person.
One simulator on the CAF website calculates the amount of the RSA which you are entitled.
The RSA is calculated for a period of three months, you must report every three months , resources and any changes in your situation. If you find a job and that your business provides you with a low income, your RSA will continue to be paid to you, it may simply be decreased.
As a recipient of the RSA, you are under an obligation to seek employment. As such, you are directed by the General Council to a social and professional coaching course which aims to facilitate your professional integration.
To receive the RSA, please first a licensed instructor agency (such as the center communal social action to your home or directly to the family allowances Fund), which will help you create the file. CAF will then contact you to let you know the outcome of your case.

I have a foreign driving license, is it valid in France?
Your foreign license is not valid in France, but you can exchange it against a French license. As a beneficiary of international protection, you are not required to have a reciprocal agreement between your country and France.
From getting your first receipt acknowledging your refugee status or beneficiary subsidiary protection, you have a year to request the exchange of your driving license against a french license. This requires you to make your request in the prefecture in the following form: “formulaire échange de permis” - exchange license form. The receipt of your driver's license application will allow you to drive for 6 months pending the prefecture answer.
Your original license must be valid unless it depends on payment of a fee or on a medical examination in your home country. Once your permit was no longer valid at the time of submitting your application you will not be able to request the exchange license.   

I am looking for a job, where to go?

People aged 16 to 25 must register with the Local Mission – “Mission Locale” closest to their home: . The Local Mission is a space for intervention in the youth department, where each person has a personal support as part of its efforts.

People with recognized disabilities must register with Cape Employment. Cape Employment is specialized in supporting people with disabilities and makes a diagnosis, guidance and support to these people. In order to find the closest Cape Employment:

RSA beneficiaries must enroll in job center. Pôle Emploi is an organization responsible for the reception, registration, compensation and support for the unemployed. You can register by phone by calling 3949 or through internet . Https://

Job seekers can also visit the Houses of Employment (Houses of Enterprise and Employment in Paris – Maisons des Entreprises et de l’Emploi à Paris). Those are assistive devices for use or assistance to business creation. To find the nearest “Maison de l’emploi”: = Search for Refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection do not need a work permit. Residence permit application receipts permit to practice the profession of their choice. For non-French speakers, it is recommended to be accompanied by a translator during registration.


I want to become French, is it possible?
You can acquire French nationality by naturalization, since you get your status and since you state certain conditions:

  • You must be over 18 years.

  • You must have your residence in France, that is to say the center of your property and family interests (the application may be refused if your family reunification application has not yet reached).

  • You must be inserted professionally and have manifested in your career in France of consistency and perseverance in your employability.

  • This job should allow you to benefit from stable resources.

  • You must have at least a level B1 French (unless you are over 70 and live for over 15 years in France)

  • You must also adhere to the values of the French Republic and meet the criteria of "morality and assimilation."

If you are naturalized, your minor children residing in France will also automatically.
In order to apply for naturalization, you must go to the prefecture of your place of residence, which will provide you a form (also available online) to complete and a list of required documents.  
for more information:

For further information: