
Long-stay visas

Some long-stay visas allow you to stay in France without needing a 1st residence permit, as soon as you go through the related administrative procedure at OFII within 3 months after your arrival in France.

Long-stay visas – Residence permits (in French, “visa de long séjour – titre de séjour” – VLS-TS) automatically have the effect of a work permit. They are issued for a 3-month to 1-year stay, to some categories of immigrants.

For more information on Long-stay visas – Residence permits, go to

Other visas for people willing to work

Multi-year ‘Intra-company transfer’ residence permit (‘Carte de séjour pluriannuelle – Salarié détaché ICT’): allows you to stay in France for a mission lasting over one year, in the context of an ‘Intra-company transfer’.

Multi-year “passeport talent” residence permit: if you are not French and if you want to work in France for more than 3 months, you are entitled to a multi-year “passeport talent” residence permit. This permit is issued in some specific cases, for example if you are highly qualified, if you are wishing to create a company or to invest in France, or if you are an artist. It is valid for maximum 4 years and it is renewable.