Population of France
France had 67.2 million inhabitants on January 1st 2018, corresponding to a growth of 233,000 people (+0.3%) compared to 2017. Among these people, 58.2 million were born in France and 7.6 million were born abroad (11.6% of the population). However, some of them obtained the French nationality after their entrance on the territory. The annual number of acquisitions of French nationality was 105,613 in 2014.
The number of marriages between people of different sex continues to decline (-5,000 compared to 2017) and amounts to 221,000 in 2017. Four PACS are concluded for five marriages celebrated. In 2015, 123,668 divorces were pronounced.
The average number of children per woman is 1.88, the highest figure in Europe. The average age of the first child birth for women was 30.6 years in 2017.
The average age of French people is 41.4 years. About 24% of French people are between the ages of 0 and 19, about 50% are between the ages of 20 and 59, and about 26% are 60 or older. For more information, consult the interactive age pyramid of INSEE.
At the end of 2017, the unemployment rate in France corresponded to 8.9% of the active population, with a particularly high rate for the 15-24 age group: 20.7%.
To find out more about the French population, visit the INSEE website.